• Captain Scott Kelly
  • Tiffany Shlain
  • George Takei
  • Elliott Masie
  • VR Learn
  • Richard Culatta
  • Learning Systems

Escape Room for Learning?

Yes, we will design and experiment with a Learning Escape Room at Learning 2016!

Imagine a room, where learners have 45 minutes to solve learning challenges - in order to Escape!  This is one of the most unusual recreational activities that people are exploring.  So, why not take this "Gamification" model and ask a collection of our participants to design our very own Learning Escape Room!

We will give them a room - that can be almost fully sealed (with a safety exit), some materials and scenery - and ask them to create and experiment with our very own Learning Escape Room.   The design will happen on Monday evening.  If it works and has good User Experience, we will open the Learning Design Room for participants on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Get ready.  The Learning Escape Room awaits you at Learning 2016.