• Captain Scott Kelly
  • Tiffany Shlain
  • George Takei
  • Elliott Masie
  • VR Learn
  • Richard Culatta
  • Learning Systems

TO: The Manager of __________________
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host & Curator, Learning 2016

I am writing to you on behalf of your employee to support her/his participation in Learning 2016, to be held in Orlando, Florida from October 23 to 26th.

As you know, the world of workplace learning is changing, evolving and being disrupted, with shifts in employee expectations, evolving technologies and a sharpening focus on business requirements for skills, compliance and employee development.

Learning 2016 is a unique opportunity for your Learning Professionals to be learners themselves and explore shifting trends in the field with over 1,600 colleagues from around the world. Anderson Cooper (CNN), Astronaut Scott Kelly, Twitter CLO Melissa Daimler, Sanjay Sarma, MIT Digital Learning and George Takei are just a few of the over 16 Keynoters, who will interactively explore the innovation, disruption and changes in learning approaches. 

There are over 205 small group learning activities, sessions and labs that involve benchmarking with major corporations and government agencies on their changing approaches to learning and workforce development. We will have collectively build some prototype "Learning Apps", engage in a Learning Barracuda Bowl (our own SharkTank), engage with 30 Under 30 Rising Learning Leaders and hear from over 12 Chief Learning Officers on their challenges, hopes and shifts.

Here are some of the other learning experiences and innovative activities that your employee could benefit from at Learning 2016, co-hosted by the Learning CONSORTIUM and ATD:

  • The Learner with a Learning Panorama.
  • Learning Personalization.
  • Better Data, Assessment and Learning Accountability.
  • Brain & Cognitive Science: Realities vs. Hype.
  • Video Shifts in Learning.
  • Learning "Autopsies" - Sometimes Innovations Fail!
  • Engagement and Gamification Elements to Support Learning.
  • Compliance & Learning
  • The Overwhelmed Content Swirl: New Curation Models.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Opportunities?
  • Learning Systems in 2017 - What's Ahead and Challenges.
  • Learning Competencies for Learning Professionals.

And, the culture of Learning 2016 reflects my 43 years in the learning field as a fiercely vendor-neutral analyst and advocate for experiential learning. Our culture is engaging, fun and transferable back to the workplace - with a mininum number of PowerPoint slides.

As a manager, I deeply respect the time and expense investments in sending an employee to an event. As producers, we promise to create a powerful learning experience for your learning professionals. Please take a few minutes to review our Learning 2016 website (https://learning2016.com and consider approving your colleague’s attendance at this unique event.

If you have any questions, please call our office at or email me at  

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host & Curator, Learning 2016