• Captain Scott Kelly
  • Tiffany Shlain
  • George Takei
  • Elliott Masie
  • VR Learn
  • Richard Culatta
  • Learning Systems

Broadway Stars @ Learning!

Every year, MASIE Productions adds several amazing talented theater performers from Broadway to our Learning event.  We are honored to announce two amazing talents at Learning 2016:

Katie Rose Clarke is an amazing actress, singer and performer.  She was a star in Wicked (Glinda), The Light in the Piazza (Clara), Allegiance (Hannah) and more.  Katie will be "singing in" several of our General Session Keynotes.  We believe that music and content and engaging events go together in a wonderful blended format.  Katie's bio is on Wikipedia.

We are also honored to have Rumi Oyama, an award winning choreographer and dancer, who has appeared on Broadway in Allegiance (Mrs. Tanaka) and won The Fred and Astaire Award for Outstanding Female Dancer in Sayonara Rumi will be performing an original dance about "Character" as well as leading a dance demo class. Her bio is online

And, to get a sense of the dynamics of performing on Broadway, 8 shows a week, to over 1,000 audience members, here is a video that Katie did explaining her dressing room energy maintainers. Click to watch!