TO: Learning, Training & Performance Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host & Curator
RE: Your Invitation to Learning 2016
I would like to invite you to participate in Learning 2016, a high engagement gathering of global learning colleagues to be held in Orlando, Florida from October 23 to 26, 2016.
Here is the exciting list of Learning 2016 Keynoters:
- Anderson Cooper - Anchor, Anchor, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360°
- Astronaut Scott Kelly – Learning in Outer Space
- Tiffany Shlain – The Science of Character
- Actor George Takei – Storytelling & Social Media
- Nancy DeViney – Women, Leadership & Learning
- Karl Kapp – Fresh Look at Gamification & Engagement
- Nigel Paine – Leadership LABS in Changing Workplace
- VRLearn – Virtual Reality & Learning
- Richard Culatta – Compliance & Learning
- And Many Many More...
Learning 2016 is designed by learning professionals for learning professionals – with the key topics curated from our participants and formatted into conversations, dialogues, and benchmarking on these topics:
Learning Personalization - Leadership Development - Compliance & Learning - Performance (Workflow) Support - Video, Video, Video - Learning Systems in 2017 - Virtual Reality & Learning - Fresh Metrics & Assessment - Gamification & Engagement - Talent vs. Learning - Social & Collaboration - Storytelling - Curation & Content - Mobile & New Tech - Machine Learning & Adaptive - xAPI: Will It Last? - Brain & Cognitive Science - Matrix (Blended) Learning - Agile Learning Development - Learning Disruption - & More Participant Curated Issues!
Designing our annual Learning Conference has been my passion for the last 26 years. I delight in adding new and disruptive formats, activities, and collaboration models at the event. Here are a few of the Learning 2016 innovations:
Learning Autopsies: Honest explorations of actual failures or unanticipated results from learning implementations. (e.g.: When Desktop Learning Games Failed)
- 39 Ideas in 60 Minutes: Rapid brainstorm of approaches to a common learning challenge. (e.g. 39 Ideas for Increasing Engagement during Webinars)
- Learning Barracuda Bowl: 5 minute pitches from new learning ventures/start-ups in our own “Shark Tank” competition.
- Learning App Hackathon: Every participant will have a chance to design a mobile “Learning App” for a specific performance or knowledge goal.
- Gamification & Engagement in Action: We will experiment with Game Elements in key sessions and at conference gatherings using beacons and other technologies.
30 Under 30: Leveraging our 30 rising Learning Leaders under the age of 30 as facilitators, problem solvers, and reverse mentors.
- 60 Over 60: Perspectives from senior learning leaders, including “When Your Employees include 100 Year Olds”.
- Learning Systems Forum: A fresh look at the role and challenges of LMS, LCMS, and Social Systems as we head into 2017.
- Research on Brain Science and Machine Learning: What’s Promising, What’s Hype, and What’s Usable in Learning Innovations.
Learning 2016 is designed to give you, as our learning colleague, many choices and avenues of engagement during your 3 ½ days in Orlando. Our Design includes these Learning Choices:
- Over 207 Learning Sessions led by learning leaders from corporations and government agencies implementing new approaches with their employees.
- Showcase Sessions led by learning suppliers and vendors, focusing on their offerings and services.
- An Evening with Your Colleagues at Epcot! We will provide you with a ticket and transportation to the Wine & Food Festival and Fireworks with new learning colleagues.
- Author & Analyst Briefings with perspectives from thought leaders who have authored key books or papers (some leading via video).
- Pit Crew Tire Changing Simulation: Learn and compete in Learning 2016’s sports car pit crew.
- Learning Retreats: Several hundred of our participants come to Learning 2016 in groups, often scheduling a learning retreat around our conference and facilities.
- Broadway Stars Performing at General Sessions.
- Learning TV Show: Learning 2016 wake-up to your rooms at Disney.
- Learning 2016 Mobile Engage: Your app to plan your schedule and link up with new colleagues from around the world.
- And Much More! Watch for many more innovations and experiments throughout Learning 2016.
Check out our Design Blog, which expands on our activity and content innovations.
We invite you and your teammates to come to Learning 2016. There are special Early Registration Discounts now available.
I look forward to learning with you at Learning 2016!
Elliott Masie